Having a cracking time in April
2 May 2023
Throughout the month of April, we had a cracking time celebrating Easter, Ramadan, and our administration colleagues for National Administrate Professionals’ Day.
Take a look at what we got up to in April.
Easter celebrations
Ribble View said hello two very special guests to get everybody in the Easter spirit.
Colleagues dressed up as the Easter bunny and an Easter egg, and brought lots of laughs for the day.
Nicola, Life Skills Co-ordinator, said, “It’s fantastic to see everyone enjoying themselves, laughing and just having fun!”
Some of our homes also welcomed new team members, as they hatched baby chicks.
Our Longley Park View residents brightened up their home with Easter themed arts and crafts.
Ravensdale also tuned into their creative side and made some Easter themed bonnets.
The Great Exemplar Bake Off
April saw the Service User Council's first competition of the year – The Easter bake off.
Each home was challenged to bake an Easter themed cake, which was then judged internally to decide the winner.
In first place, St Andrew's Court had an eggtravaganza of eggs, Easter bunnies, flowers and fondant.
In second place, Lonnen Grove created a cake using the imagination of rabbits digging for carrots on a field while sheep were grazing.
In third place, Ribble View had their Easter bunnies’ carrot cake, with plenty of cream cheese frosting, and the shape then covered in fondant to represent the carrot.
Celebrating Ramadan at Edgewater
Piara, a local community worker, teamed up with the team at Edgewater care home in Wallasey to celebrate the month of Ramadan.
They came to the home with some lovely ingredients, and shared traditional foods that are eaten during the month of Ramadan when breaking fast at sunset.
Shaun, a resident who also used to be a Chef, helped cook whilst other residents at the home observed and listened.
Celebrating National Administrate Professionals’ Day
In April we celebrated all of our colleagues in administration roles, including our Receptionists, Administrators and Office Managers, for everything they do to make every day better for everyone at Exemplar Health Care.