We’ve announced the winner of the Great Exemplar Bake Off

22 December 2021

Christmas cake bake off

Over the past few months, our residents have been taking part in the Great Exemplar Bake Off. This week, residents and colleagues from our Dearnevale care home were crowned the winner and will take home the title of Exemplar Health Care’s Best Baker 2021!

Inspired by the Great British Bake Off, one of our Service User Ambassadors suggested a bake off competition in the run up to Christmas.

So, we asked all of our residents and colleagues to pick up their wooden spoons and mixing bowls to compete across two rounds, to win the title of Exemplar Health Care’s Best Baker 2021.

The first round of the competition took place earlier this year, where residents and colleagues battled it out against each other, to win the best decorated cake in their home.

The winners from each home then went onto round two – the Christmas showstopper!

Over the past month, our care home teams have supported residents in creating some amazing cakes, and really helped them get into the swing of the Christmas spirit.

Once the competition was underway, we received so many amazing entries that the judges had a really tough choice in picking an overall winner, but our Dearnevale home in Barnsley came out victorious with their Christmas tree extravaganza!

Here are some of the other amazing entries that we received.


Meaningful activities at Exemplar Health Care

Exemplar Health Care’s mission is to make every day better for the people we support. We do this by putting them at the heart of everything that we do.

We know that our care services are more likely to be effective if they’re developed and delivered with the direct involvement of people who use them. Life in our care homes is all about choice – we encourage and empower people to decide how they want to live, and involve them in decisions that impact the running of the home and the wider company.

An example of this is our Service User Ambassador Council. Residents can become a Service User Ambassador and take part in our Service User Council.

Our Council meets every month to get involved in important decisions and projects in their home and the wider company. One of the projects that our Council is involved in, is the running of our quarterly competitions. The Great Exemplar Bake Off has been a great success in 2021, alongside our sunflower growing and World Photograph Day competitions.

Person-centred care with Exemplar Health Care

We encourage people to continue to do the things that they enjoy, as well as develop new hobbies and access education and volunteering if they wish. And we adjust our approach as a person’s condition develops and changes.

Our high staffing levels of Registered Nurses and trained Health Care Assistants are determined by each person’s individual needs. This enables us to work at their own pace and build trust, and provide support with all aspects of their life, which leads to improved person-centred and longer-term outcomes.

Read more about our care and contact our Referrals Team to make a referral.

Rewarding careers in social care

At Exemplar Health Care, we have lots of different career opportunities where you could use your skills to make a big difference to the lives of adults living with complex needs.

You can view all of our job vacancies on our online job search.