Robert’s story: Lonnen Grove
6 February 2019
Robert lives with epilepsy, autism and learning disabilities, and before moving into Lonnen Grove’s OneCare house in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, had lived in several care homes that were not suited to his care needs. Previous placements were unable to provide him with the independent style of care that Exemplar Health Care’s OneCare reablement pathway can cater for.
Looking for a care setting that was more tailored to his needs, Robert, aged 30, and his social worker, worked closely with Exemplar Health Care to ensure that the OneCare house would not only provide specialist nursing care but would allow him to live independently.
The OneCare reablement pathway allows people to live with independence in community homes.
With care, nursing and support options developed around individual needs, the pathway is fully bespoke and are person-centred homes for those looking to live more independently through rehabilitation and enabling activities.
The pathway services are usually one to three bedroom houses, located very close to our care homes – sometimes down the garden path. This close proximity allows for continued support and friendship from the nearby home, whilst allowing people to develop independent living and budgeting skills prior to any move into the community.
The OneCare houses are designed to meet the accessibility, sensory and other needs of the person who lives there and the support from a known team means people are more likely to achieve and enjoy long term, sustained successes in their personal goals.
Robert said: “I love living here already. I love how I am able to decorate my bedroom and make sure it looks how I want it to. I feel a lot more relaxed here and it’s a nice house.”
Robert lives with Stephen who previously lived at Lonnen Grove for 12 years. Stephen no longer needed the full-time care that the home provides so made the progression to the OneCare house in October last year.
He added: “I live with Stephen and we help each other out when we need to, like when we are deciding what food we want to buy for us to eat during the week. We go shopping and enjoy trips out with the staff.
“I went back to my family house for Christmas and it was nice to know that when the holidays were all over I had a nice home to come back to and start the New Year in. I couldn’t be happier here.”
Kelly Allen, home manager at Lonnen Grove, said: “We are delighted that Robert has settled in to his new home. It is always great to welcome new residents to both our home and to our OneCare service.
“As Robert had experienced living in care homes that were not appropriate for him, we felt we wanted to ensure that his experience at Exemplar Health Care was not only as easy and as positive as possible, but also was tailored to his needs.
“Working with Lonnen’s Clinical Nurse Manager Linda and Regional Director of Operations Donna North, we have made sure Robert is receiving the best care possible, in an environment that is suited to him.”
Exemplar Health Care’s OneCare pathways are registered with the CQC for nursing care, providing options for flexible support packages built around individual needs – from 2:1 support to less intensive care.
The pathways benefit from 24/7 clinical input from a qualified nursing team, giving people the opportunity to receive intensive short-term support from the nearby home when required, avoiding re-admissions to hospital.
For more information about Exemplar Health Care’s OneCare services, please click here.